Support Al Éxito
Donate to Al Éxito
Your donation supports Al Éxito in building the leadership potential of Latinx youth through college preparation, career development, civic engagement, family support, and celebration of culture.
Your donation is tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support!
Mary E. Campos Scholarship Program
The Mary E. Campos Scholarship honors her dream to see young people, especially students of color, continue to study and fill positions of leadership within their communities.
The scholarship is given to Al Éxito students who are engaged in their community, have a clear vision for their academic achievement, and need support.
Donate today and your support will fund Latinx youth scholarships.
Your donation is tax-deductible.​ Thank you for making a difference!

VENMO: @Al-Exito ​

Mail donations to
PO Box 93531, Des Moines, Iowa 50393
Ask your employer to match your donation

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Interested in becoming a corporate sponsor? Contact us about sponsorship opportunities.